We are always on the process of uploading ready-made and updated K-12 Daily Lesson Logs weekly. Thanks to all our file contributors and to our file editors who proofread and format our files . We also hope everyone is safe, blessed and doing well. Please don’t forget to to Share our posts and Like our page. Thank you! Now, we have uploaded our Week 7 – Quarter 1 Daily Lesson Log | October 3 – 7, 2022 DLL Update!
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May more blessings come upon us all. Thank you.
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Featured Article:
Housing Program for Teachers Act
Fifth District Quezon City Representative Patrick Michael D. Vargas introduced House Bill No. HB04075 – An Act To Provide A Housing Program For Teachers which is now on referral to the Committee on Housing and Urban Development.
In its explanatory note, it says:
Teaching is the profession that creates all other professions. Teachers’ influence and knowledge shape the lives of their students and hone them to become productive members of society. But while teachers are genuinely fulfilled in their practice, they also struggle with the financial limitations of their career.
Teaching has the reputation for being an underpaid and unrewarding profession. Many teachers cannot afford to purchase a home that they can call their own. Thus, it is only fitting that we reward teachers to honor their service to Filipino students and the nation.
This bill seeks to establish a housing program for educators. It directs government housing and financing agencies to undertake special housing projects and provide housing funds for teachers. It also provides fiscal incentives for private sector developers who will participate in the implementation and development of the teachers’ housing program.
Education is one of the best investments our country can put in. Quality education creates jobs, breaks the cycle of poverty, and helps us achieve national development. A great nation requires a highly competitive education system, which in turn requires world class and passionate teachers.
Through a housing program for teachers, we are helping Filipino educators to upgrade their living conditions, strengthen their dignity, and boost their morale and self-esteem. If approved, this proposal will help dissuade competent teachers from leaving our country to seek greener pastures abroad.

Week 7 – Quarter 1 Daily Lesson Log | October 3 – 7, 2022 DLL Update!
- Kindergarten Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
- Grade 1 Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
- Grade 2 Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
- Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
- Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
- Grade 5 Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
- Grade 6 Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
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We at DepEd Teachers Club are always grateful to all our File Authors and File Contributors. Credit goes to all of them. Let us all give them thanks and show our support for all their works.
We are also thankful for all our File Editors, Sharers, Tech Volunteers and fellow Teachers for helping us and making this kind of service possible.