We are always on the process of uploading ready-made and updated K-12 Daily Lesson Logs weekly. Thanks to all our file contributors and to our file editors who proofread and format our files . We also hope everyone is safe, blessed and doing well. Please don’t forget to to Share our posts and Like our page. Thank you! Now, we have uploaded our Week 6 – Quarter 1 Daily Lesson Log | September 26 – 30, 2022 DLL Update!
Our Contributors, Editors and Tech Volunteers are the foundation of DepEd Teachers Club. We are always grateful and we ask for your continued support. Thank you!
All our files can be downloaded for FREE via Google Drive. Please check out our updated and fixed File Links.
May more blessings come upon us all. Thank you.
Before downloading, check this out:
Featured Article:
How to Choose Your Career Track – Are you on the Right Path?
During our younger years, we asked ourselves, “What do I want to be when I grow up?”. The deciding moment comes when we apply for a course for our college education. Some consider a course that would make it easy for them to have a job after graduation, some choose on a course that could lead them to greater wealth, some put consideration on what course that would continue their family’s’ legacy, while some doesn’t even have the chance to have the right choices because of poverty, lack of information and limited access to resources.
Choosing a course is a common problem among high school students especially for those who don’t have things sorted out yet. One cause of the dilemma is the typical diverging roads – the practical road, and the passion road. Due to the growing economy it may be practical to go into a career that is on demand in the job market. But, how many people made it into success stories because they followed their dreams and invested so much to their passion?
Continue Reading Here: How to Choose Your Career Track – Are you on the Right Path?
DepEd Update on Health and Safety Protocols in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Department of Education (DepEd) issued DepEd Order no.039, s 2022 – Health and Safety Protocols in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. DepEd issued these health and safety protocols to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of learners and personnel in the implementation of in-person classes amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Various issuances are available to schools, however, some of the provisions of the said issuances are no longer applicable or have been updated based on latest evidence or guidance from health authorities or the national government. With this, it is deemed necessary to provide the updated protocols and standards that should be in place as schools implement face-to-face classes. This DepEd update includes:
Continue Reading Here: DepEd Update: Health and Safety Protocols in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Week 6 – Quarter 1 Daily Lesson Log | September 26 – 30, 2022 DLL Update!
- Kindergarten Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
- Grade 1 Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
- Grade 2 Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
- Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
- Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
- Grade 5 Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
- Grade 6 Daily Lesson Log – 1st Quarter
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We at DepEd Teachers Club are always grateful to all our File Authors and File Contributors. Credit goes to all of them. Let us all give them thanks and show our support for all their works.
We are also thankful for all our File Editors, Sharers, Tech Volunteers and fellow Teachers for helping us and making this kind of service possible.