Our long-term objective is to continually update and post our pre-made weekly K–12 Daily Lesson Logs. This is to help teachers’ in having various instruments to use in creating content standards and carry out the intended educational objectives in the most effective manner. We are grateful to all of the people who provided content for our files as well as the file editors who revised and arranged them. We also wish for everyone’s wellbeing, safety, and happiness. Don’t forget to share our posts and like our page. Here is an update to our Week 1 – Quarter 2 Daily Lesson Log | Nov. 7 – 11, 2022 DLL Update!
The contributions, editing, and technical help of our volunteers form the foundation of the DepEd Teachers Club. We humbly ask for and appreciate your continued help. You can download all of our content for free using Google Drive. View our updated and revised File Links. May more blessings come upon us all. Thank you!
Lesson Planning and the Teaching Process
One could conceptualize teaching as a three-step process. Lesson planning and daily lesson preparation are necessary before beginning to teach a class, thus this is the first step. Classroom management, teaching, and learning comprise the second step. After the lesson, the third stage—assessment—takes place. This step includes related tasks including recording, reporting, and evaluating.
Common phrases used by teachers to describe their workloads fall into one of these three categories: “I need to do some planning now,” “I’m teaching for the whole day today,” or “I have to do some grading this evening.”
The second phase, actually teaching in the classroom, is the one that typically requires the greatest energy and results in the job’s emotional highs and lows. However, that shouldn’t take away from the necessity of comprehensive professionalism both before and after courses are taught.
However, there are significant drawbacks to using education as an analogy. It incites one to believe that the third step, which entails assessment, evaluation, and review, marks the conclusion of the procedure. In actuality, the third step’s worth comes mostly from its ability to assist the instructor in redoing the planning and preparation of the first step. For instance, when evaluating students, one discovers what concepts they have correctly understood and what they need to return and revise with them in the upcoming lesson. And one learns how to make improvements the next time around by assessing and reviewing a set of lessons, for example.
So, learning to teach is like ascending a spiral staircase. Every flight brings us back to the same starting point; planning and preparation are always the first steps, yet we start every flight at a greater level. That is, we are more knowledgeable than we were before each time we organise a lesson.
Even if it often seems like you’re going around in circles, teaching doesn’t always feel like that. Teachers persevere because they believe that they can always go higher and further. In actuality, the continually circling teacher is probably not doing the third step all that well.
Teachers must, however, consider both possibilities. Teachers should, for instance, be considering assessment as they plan lessons. They should be pondering issues like “What are the evaluation requirements for this course” or “What possibilities for assessment could this lesson produce.” Backward design is another name for this strategy.

Week 1 – Quarter 2 Daily Lesson Log |
Nov. 7 – 11, 2022 DLL Update!
Kindergarten Daily Lesson Log – 2nd Quarter
Grade 1 Daily Lesson Log – 2nd Quarter
Grade 2 Daily Lesson Log – 2nd Quarter
Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log – 2nd Quarter
Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log – 2nd Quarter
Grade 5 Daily Lesson Log – 2nd Quarter
Grade 6 Daily Lesson Log – 2nd Quarter
See Also:
2nd Quarter Periodical Tests
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2nd Quarter – PowerPoint Presentations (Click Here)
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We at DepEd Teachers Club are always grateful to all our File Authors and File Contributors. Credit goes to all of them. Let us all give them thanks and show our support for all their works.
We are also thankful for all our File Editors, Sharers, Tech Volunteers and fellow Teachers for helping us and making this kind of service possible.