To help teachers in making connections between the subject being studied and the students’ prior knowledge and experiences to promote student learning, we are constantly uploading our ready-made Week 8 – Quarter 3 Daily Lesson Log | April 3-7, 2023 DLL Update! Our long-term goal is to consistently update and publish our ready-made weekly K–12 Daily Lesson Logs. Just visit this page regularly for the latest uploads.
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Advanced Organizers, Anticipatory Sets in Lesson Planning
Establishing a connection between the subject being studied and the students’ existing knowledge and experiences is crucial for teachers to understand when starting classes. Finding a significant notion inside the subject and connecting it to the students’ prior knowledge facilitates the connection, which is frequently referred to as an advance organizer or anticipatory set.
As students integrate new experiences with previous information, learning is built. Motivating students often takes three to five minutes throughout class. The brain opens up, recognizes significance, and is prepared to store new information in long-term memory when teachers come up with inventive ways to tie basic concepts to students’ existing knowledge. The brain is constantly attempting to make sense of the information and experiences it is receiving. This is what advance organizer or anticipatory set does.
The brain cannot discern any meaning from a topic if there is no relationship to prior knowledge. According to studies, students who make connections between new information and what they already know are significantly more likely to remember the new information in a systematic way. As a result for example, when teaching science, teachers can choose a concept and tie it to what their students already know by posing questions about their own lives.
The brain pays complete attention when teachers slightly arouse students’ emotions. In general, one lesson covers the introduction and study of one topic and one concept. The goal is to go into greater detail rather than try to quickly summarize material in order to increase student understanding. As a result, teachers explore an idea rather than providing a superficial explanation. Understanding is at the mercy of coverage.
The majority of the time, teachers deliver new information using a linguistic style, according to research. They read or speak with students about fresh material. Yet, research demonstrates that when teachers assist children in developing nonlinguistic visualization tools, the effects on accomplishment are significant. Students can expound on or add to their information using a variety of visualization techniques, which encourages a greater grasp of what they are studying. Before we could think in words, humans used to think in visuals.

Week 8 – Quarter 3 Daily Lesson Log |
April 3-7, 2023 DLL Update!
Kindergarten Daily Lesson Log – 2nd Quarter
Grade 1 Daily Lesson Log – 3rd Quarter
Grade 2 Daily Lesson Log – 3rd Quarter
Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log – 3rd Quarter
Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log – 3rd Quarter
Grade 5 Daily Lesson Log – 3rd Quarter
Grade 6 Daily Lesson Log – 3rd Quarter
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3rd Quarter Periodical Tests
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