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Action Research
It is reasonable to begin action research when teachers have put their lesson plans into practice. Teachers can use a variety of techniques called “action research” to enhance some areas of their instruction or to assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of particular tasks and methods.
Action research is an extended academic approach that produces action for improving methods of instruction and learning continuously. It offers teachers quick classroom reparation and provides documentation of fulfilling teachers’ educational obligations. It aims to record the circumstances, transformation, learning that results, and theorizing that academic staff engage in when creating their instructional strategies.
Action research is a process used by teachers to evaluate their practice collaboratively, communicate a shared conception of values, spread awareness of their personal theories, experiment with new methods to make their practice more consistent with the educational values they support, record their work in a way that other teachers can easily access and understand, and develop a common theory of teaching by scientific inquiry.
Action research projects are occasionally started by teachers who are concerned about a situation and want to figure out what they can do about it. Teachers conduct action research to learn more about why specific events occur and what may occur if an alternative course of action were taken. When teachers decide on a topic for investigation, such as learning more about their students’ motivations and challenges, action research can begin.
The effectiveness of their teaching, how they come across to their students, and how they would see themselves if they were watching themselves teach are all things that teachers might wish to learn more about. They could want to determine whether an activity would be more successful when carried out in groupings rather than in pairings or whether comprehension is more successful with or without vocabulary instruction beforehand.
Teachers should make decisions regarding the following steps after collecting the data and analyzing the outcomes. Alternately, after resolving one challenge, teachers may concentrate on another and reopen the procedure for that issue.

Week 4 – Quarter 3 Daily Lesson Log |
March 6-10, 2023 DLL Update!
Kindergarten Daily Lesson Log – 2nd Quarter
Grade 1 Daily Lesson Log – 3rd Quarter
Grade 2 Daily Lesson Log – 3rd Quarter
Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log – 3rd Quarter
Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log – 3rd Quarter
Grade 5 Daily Lesson Log – 3rd Quarter
Grade 6 Daily Lesson Log – 3rd Quarter
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