In our ongoing commitment to assist teachers maximize the potential for student success, creating a dynamic educational experience tailored to the needs of each learner, we are delighted to share our collection of DepEd educational resources including these Week 3 – Quarter 4 Daily Lesson Log | April 15 – 19, 2024 DLL. These materials aim to offer students a transparent comprehension of expectations, seamlessly incorporate goals throughout the curriculum and encourage daily participation in literacy activities and academic engagement.
This initiative not only aims to help teachers conquer challenges stemming from limited resources but also to alleviate their teaching workload. Through sharing our files, we aim to empower teachers to create a seamless and enriched learning experience, fostering a stronger connection between instruction and understanding.
Our heartfelt gratitude extends to our dedicated DepEd Club Contributors, File Editors, and Tech Volunteers, whose selfless and unwavering efforts have been instrumental in organizing the content of our website and social media platforms. We extend a warm thank you to all for your steadfast support that continues to drive us forward with this cause.
The Advantages of Blended Learning
Blended learning seamlessly integrates traditional face-to-face classroom instruction with online and remote learning offering a dynamic educational experience. Each teacher and their students may tailor the blend differently with student self-regulation playing an essential role in determining the how, when and where of their learning journey. While fostering independence and self-agency, the presence of a supportive teacher remains vital to steer students towards becoming reflective, engaged and active learners.
Blended learning empowers students with essential competencies like self-regulation, agency and problem-solving skills. It ensures continuity in learning even amidst changing schedules and provides students with the autonomy to choose how, when and where they engage with educational content. By actively involving students in the learning process and fostering collaboration, blended learning nurtures lifelong competencies and facilitates the co-construction of knowledge.
This hybrid approach combines in-school learning with distance learning offering flexibility without the constraint of physical proximity. It requires thoughtful consideration of instructional strategies to optimize independent study, collaborative inquiry, social interaction and practical application. Blended learning prompts a reevaluation of the school’s role in the learning ecosystem and encourages a thorough review of curricula to align with learner competencies and assessment practices.
Well-structured blended learning yields numerous benefits. It shifts the paradigm from passive reception of information to active engagement where teachers facilitate rather than dictate learning. By supporting individualized learning, enhancing autonomy and fostering motivation, blended learning equips students with essential skills for self-directed learning. Additionally, it cultivates digital competence and enhances social skills, well-being and community engagement during in-school periods.
Blended learning represents a progressive shift towards a competency-based approach placing the learner at the forefront. For teachers, it enables the appreciation of diverse learners while personalizing teaching approaches. Ultimately, blended learning optimizes learning potential by combining the best of traditional and online education, preparing students for success in an ever-evolving world.

Week 3 – Quarter 4 Daily Lesson Log |
April 15 – 19, 2024 DLL
Kindergarten Daily Lesson Log – Week 3 – 4th Quarter
Grade 1 Daily Lesson Log – Week 3 – 4th Quarter
Grade 2 Daily Lesson Log – Week 3 – 4th Quarter
Grade 3 Daily Lesson Log – Week 3 – 4th Quarter
Grade 4 Daily Lesson Log – Week 3 – 4th Quarter
Grade 5 Daily Lesson Log – Week 3 – 4th Quarter
Grade 6 Daily Lesson Log – Week 3 – 4th Quarter
4th Quarter Periodical Tests
4th Quarter PowerPoint Presentations
How to Download Files from Google Drive & Google Docs
Activities for Students | Classroom Observation Tools | Daily Lesson Log | Diagnostic Test | Exams | Inspirational Stories | Instructional Materials | Learners Material | Periodical Tests | PowerPoint Presentations | RPMS | Short Stories | Summative Tests | Weekly Daily Lesson Log | Weekly Home Learning Plan | Weekly Learning Plan | Workbooks
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We at DepEd Teachers Club are always grateful to all our File Authors and File Contributors. Credit goes to all of them. Let us all give them thanks and show our support for all their works.
We are also thankful for all our File Editors, Sharers, Tech Volunteers and fellow Teachers for helping us and making this kind of service possible.