To help teachers in illustrating ideas they want to convey and establish concept presentation, clearly state the problem or task or visually present examples of the activity or task, we have uploaded our compiled 3rd Quarter PowerPoint Presentations | DepEd Club Compilation. We aim to complete all the K-12 PowerPoint Presentations to make them available to all teachers and help them complete their required teaching resources.
We at DepEd Teachers Club are always grateful to all our File Authors and File Contributors. Credit goes to all of them. Let us all give them thanks and show our support for all their works. We are also thankful for all our File Editors, Sharers, Tech Volunteers and fellow Teachers for helping us and making this kind of service possible.
How to Present Lessons
Content. Create a sentence outline by establishing your essential points for a class or developing from a manuscript or finished paper. Any phrases that are not necessary for you to express your point should be eliminated. Find one or two particular facts from your lecture to reinforce the outline using your condensed sentence outline. Avoid overwhelming your students by presenting extensive quotes from the book and other sources. Your presentation might gain some strength and authority if you include one or two strategically placed quotations. Select the data or facts that are most important for you to express out loud. Using figures, you can compare two sets of facts as well.
Delivery and Organization. Work from a one-page narrative outline or notecards. Never read a script or the slides aloud. Each primary issue you wish to discuss should have a topic phrase, which you should then practice until it sounds refined and seamless. On your outline, write out any necessary transitional language and strong italicize it or all of it between each significant body of your discussion. When citing content that was taken from someone else’s work, use signal phrases. Draft a succinct opening and a succinct conclusion. Learn your introduction, conclusion, and transitions by heart. Be ready for questions in advance. Maybe take into account an interactive component and reply to you or your students.
Utilizing Visual Aids. If you want your students to comprehend and illustrate difficult concepts, you can utilize presentations, handouts, or other visual aids. Visual aids can be utilized to set a certain tone or mood, but when they are extremely elaborate or showy, they can also take away from your presentation. They should only be used as cue cards. Handouts might be helpful for presenting information that you want everyone to look at numerous times or for collecting quotations that you don’t read out loud throughout your presentation. Refrain from just scanning your crowd. If you need to go through a lot of different data sets or you need to show important visual graphics to support your discussion, PowerPoint slides might be a better option than printouts.

3rd Quarter PowerPoint Presentations | DepEd Club Compilation
GRADE 1 PowerPoint Presentations – 3rd Quarter
GRADE 2 PowerPoint Presentations – 3rd Quarter
GRADE 3 PowerPoint Presentations – 3rd Quarter
GRADE 4 PowerPoint Presentations – 3rd Quarter
GRADE 5 PowerPoint Presentations – 3rd Quarter
GRADE 6 PowerPoint Presentations – 3rd Quarter
3rd Quarter Periodical Tests
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We at DepEd Teachers Club are always grateful to all our File Authors and File Contributors. Credit goes to all of them. Let us all give them thanks and show our support for all their works.
We are also thankful for all our File Editors, Sharers, Tech Volunteers and fellow Teachers for helping us and making this kind of service possible.