Pursuant to the approval by the President of the progressive expansion of face to face (F2F) classes as well as the updated alert level classifications by the IATF-EID, the Department of Education issued the Guidelines on the Progressive Expansion of Face to Face Classes.These guidelines seek to provide guidance to schools on the mechanisms and standards of the F2F classes and ensure their effective, efficient, and safe implementation. To safely implement the opening of face to face classes teachers shall prepare the Weekly Learning Plan to provide
direction and guidance for both classroom-based and home-based activities. And now, we have uploaded ready made Update! Week 2 – 1st Quarter Weekly Learning Plans (Formatted WLP)
According to the DepEd’s guidelines, teachers shall determine strategies to address immediate gaps to ensure the transition from distance learning to classroom- based instruction. Teachers handling face-to-face classes shall prepare only the WLP as an instructional guide. Each learner shall be provided with a copy of WLP to serve as their guide for learning tasks that should be done at home when they are on distance learning.
By definition, Weekly Learning Plan is an outline of home-based activities and classroom-based activities that guides both teachers and learners in the attainment of instructional objectives (Most Essential Learning Competencies) during the limited face-lo-face classes. It is a simplified instructional plan that combines the Weekly Home Learning Plan and the Daily Lesson Log/Plan

UPDATE! Week 2 – 1st Quarter Weekly Learning Plans (Formatted WLP)
Grade 1 Weekly Learning Plans (Formatted WLP)
Grade 2 Weekly Learning Plans (Formatted WLP)
Grade 3 Weekly Learning Plans (Formatted WLP)
Grade 4 Weekly Learning Plans (Formatted WLP)
Grade 5 Weekly Learning Plans (Formatted WLP)
Grade 6 Weekly Learning Plans (Formatted WLP)
Additional files to be uploaded soon.
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