2nd Periodical Tests with TOS Compilation | SY 2018 – 2019

Quality Classroom Assessment for the 21st Century | 2nd Periodical Tests

Frameworks for classroom assessment are undergoing fundamental transformation. Three developments underpin this transformation:

  • New thinking – relates to how classroom assessment monitors learning. The fundamental purpose of classroom assessment is: ‘to establish and understand where learners are in an aspect of their learning at the time of assessment’. Assessment clarifies what the learner knows, understands or can do, and highlights what is needed to progress the learner to the required standard of
  • New metrics – represents assessment of a broader range of skills and attributes than those addressed by most contemporary assessment practices.
  • New technologies – have the potential to transform assessment practices through more personalised, interactive and intelligent forms of evidence gathering, as well as by providing more immediate, high-quality feedback to learners. For example real-time interactions in online learning environments.

These three developments, together with advances in our understanding of learning itself, are transforming school assessment practices. New thinking in quality assessment The nature of assessment influences what is learned and the degree of meaningful engagement by students in the learning process.

Quality classroom assessment:

  • allows all students to achieve
  • is considered during the design of the teaching and learning task
  • is integral to the teaching and learning cycle
  • allows opportunities for students to show the extent of their learning
  • shows performance and individual progress
  • allows measurement of learning gain
  • informs, monitors and progresses learning
  • is designed with the learners, the learning goals, curriculum outcomes and the teaching in mind
  • has strong validity and reliability
  • has inter-rater reliability when evaluated
  • shows the benefits of the program and the curriculum through student growth.

classroom assessmentTeachers are required to start developing a clear understanding of where each student is at in his/her learning. Though classroom assessment, teachers identify gaps in knowledge, set learning goals and gauge the level of support needed to ensure all students achieve. Using evidence-based teaching and learning strategies, teaching is then targeted to address what each student is ready to learn next. Teachers and schools track students’ progress over time against both learning goals and grade-level expectations. Finally, the evidence of learning collected at each stage is used to enable teachers to evaluate and adapt their practices to ensure that the needs of all students are being met.

Formative assessment strategies encourage students to reflect on and monitor their own learning processes through feedback and opportunities to improve and set future goals. Seven principles of quality feedback:

  1. Clarify what good performance is
  2. Facilitate self-assessment
  3. Deliver high quality feedback information
  4. Encourage teacher and peer dialogue
  5. Encourage positive motivation and self-esteem
  6. Provide opportunities to close the gap
  7. Use feedback to improve teaching


New technologies in quality classroom assessment.

Schools accumulate comprehensive data about students and the subjects studied. This data, which may include academic performance, national and external test results, student wellbeing, classroom observations and attendance, is often stored in separate domains.

Learning Analytics is an emerging field of study that focuses on using digital technologies to provide valuable real-time information directly to educators and school leaders. Learning Analytics merges, manipulates and analyses the data schools store to produce valuable information to support decision making at all levels, spur curriculum innovation and pedagogical change, prompt proactive academic intervention and ultimately optimize learning outcomes for students.

A school Learning Analytics system allows school leaders and teachers to:

  • use educational data to effectively support strategic planning and quality teaching
  • gain insights into student and school performance
  • publish rich academic information and analysis for parents and students.

Information on student achievement helps to inform decisions about learning and teaching. Used wisely, data is diagnostic; it suggests questions to be asked and informs decisions that affect student learning and teacher pedagogy


Available 2nd Periodical Tests with TOS Compilation | SY 2018 – 2019


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GRADE 2 2nd Periodical Tests

Periodical Test



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GRADE 4 2nd Periodical Tests


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