Week 6 – 4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log (February 18 – 22, 2019) | Weekly DLL

Update! Week 6 – 4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log (February 18 – 22, 2019) | Weekly DLL  now available.

In the past academic years, we shared Daily Lesson Logs and other files submitted by our Contributors that are proofread and formatted by our File Editors. Let’s welcome this new and progressive school year of collaboration and support!

We are always on the process of uploading new and updated K-12 Daily Lesson Logs weekly.

For K-6, we are almost complete in uploading Daily Lesson Logs. Yet, we will keep on uploading new versions of DLL’s every week. Also, some DLL’s may be incomplete in some higher grade levels. We will be uploading the additional DLL’s soon. Some DLL’s are still on the process of editing and formatting. Please take time to visit our website from time to time for the newly uploaded unannounced K-12 Daily Lesson Logs.

We are always thankful to our Contributors, Editors and Tech Volunteers. They are the foundation of DepEd Teachers Club. We are always grateful to them and we ask for your continued support.


week 6 daily lesson log 4th quarterAll of these files can be downloaded for FREE via Google Drive.

Please keep on Sharing and Liking our contributions until all of our fellow teachers all around the country would benefit from these works too.   May more blessings come upon us all. Thank you.

(Download links can be found after the article below.)

Effective Coaching Skills

Coaching is an interactive process where Raters and Ratees aim to close performance gaps, teach skills, impart knowledge and inculcate values and desirable work behaviors.


Competencies for Effective Coaching

The following are necessary competencies for effective coaching:

  • Self-clarity
  • Communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Ability to build relationships and inspire


Difference among coaching, mentoring and counselling?

  • Coaching is a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus, improve performance.
  • Mentoring is an off-line help by one person to another in making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking.
  • Counselling is a principled relationship characterized by the application of one or more psychological theories and a recognized set of communication skills, modified by experience, intuition and other interpersonal factors, to clients’ intimate concerns, problems or aspirations.


What is the Coaching Model for DepEd?

In DepEd, there are three (3) opportunities to apply coaching. Below is the coaching model.

  1.  Coach for Maximum Performance
    • Applied to sustain employee’s high performance and for continuous performance improvement. It is also an opportunity to develop succession plans and career development of high-performing and high-potential staff for promotion.
  2. Coach for Work Improvement
    • Applied when performance gaps are observed and identified. Performance gaps refer to the difference between an employee’s current performance and what is required or expected. These can either be gaps concerning work behavior or skills. They could be both.
      • Inefficient processes – Check work process before looking into faults in the people who run them.
      • Personal Problems
      • Work Overload – Demand is too much or too fastpaced
      • Relationships Conflict at Work – Jealousy, competition for attention or for a promotion
    • Tips in Identifying Performance Gaps annual goals.

      • Routinely monitor/check employee performance against stated performance metrics or agreed upon monthly or quarterly milestones vs. subordinates

      • Analyze the tasks that the employee is not doing well.

      • Identify the causes, behaviors that interfere with goal accomplishment in controllable/uncontrollable situations.

      • Try to draw facts from other sources when possible.

      • Avoid premature judgments. Catch a problem early!

  3. Coach to Strengthen Skills, Competencies and Behavior
    • This model is applied to strengthen and/or develop new competencies, skills, and behaviors. It is also an opportunity to boost morale and confidence of employees, as well as cultivate/raise the level of performance.


Four (4) Step Processes of Effective Coaching

  • There are four (4) step processes that the coach and the coachee must undertake to provide effective coaching.
    1. Observation – The rater identifies a performance gap or an opportunity to improve.
    2. Discussion & Agreement – Coach and coachee agree on: (1) problems to be fixed; and (2) an opportunity to move job performance two notches higher.
    3. Active Coaching – Coach and coachee create and agree on the action plan to address the gap.
    4. Follow up – Setting follow-up sessions to check on the status of the agreed upon action plan.


Steps in conducting discussion and agreement sessions

Step 1: Opening /Climate Setting/ Establishing Rapport (achieving a comfort level that encourages openness)

  • Thank employee for making time for the meeting.
  • Express your hope that you will find the meeting useful.

Step 2: Objective Setting

  • Tell employee things he or she is doing right; express sincere appreciation.
  • Tell your reason for calling the meeting with him or her.
  • Give feedback on performance deficiency you have observed.
  • Listen with empathy, i.e. give an empathic response, paraphrase what he or she had said, and reflect on his or her feelings.

Step 3: Discussion and Agreement Proper

  • Tell what you want him or her to do, how you want it done, and why (standards of performance).
  • If possible, show (model) how it is done.
  • Then ask him or her to do it while you observe.
  • Give positive feedback and/or correction; offer suggestions.
  • Let him or her know you respect his or her ability.
  • Agree upon appropriate actions – employee’s and yours.
  • Let him or her know you will closely monitor his or her performance.

Step 4: Closing

  • Share how you feel about the meeting.
  • Ask him or her how he or she feels about the meeting.
  • Schedule a follow-up meeting on a specific date.
  • Thank him or her and express confidence that he or she can do it. Assure him or her of your support.
  • Shake hands and smile, while maintaining eye contact.

Why follow-up?

  • It provides opportunities to remind employees about goals and the importance of these goals.
  • Periodic checks give you a chance to offer positive feedback about the good things that employees do.
  • These checks can help spot small problems before they become large ones.
  • Performance monitoring shall be the responsibility of both the Rater and the Ratee who agree to track and record significant incidents.


Difference between Managing and Effective Coaching

  • Managing focuses on…Telling, Directing, Authority, Immediate Needs, A Specific Outcome
  • Coaching focuses on…Exploring, Facilitating, Partnership, Long-term Improvement, Many possible outcomes


Performance Coaching is not a one-time process. It is not fault-finding and does not put the employee down. It is not giving advice and does not involve the coach sharing his or her personal experience or opinions/beliefs

Performance Coaching is…

  • Creating the right atmosphere Mutual Trust
  • Develop mutual trust by demonstrating concern for the Coachee’s well-being and success. Showing empathy, genuine interest, consultation, providing opportunities for the Coachee to move ahead are demonstrations of concern.
  • Experience in the matter at hand. Trust can be gained when the coach has a reputation of success in the area.
  • Being as good as your word. Trust is built through repeated demonstration. Do what you say everytime.
  • Not disclosing information held in Coachee’s desire for confidentiality


Accountability for Results

  • A person who is not held accountable for results will not take coaching seriously.
  • A formal coaching plan makes accountability explicit.

Motivation to Learn and Improve (workplace motivations that encourage people)

  • Mastering an important skill will open the door to advancement.
  • An employee sees that improved productivity is reflected in his or her paycheck.
  • A person knows that his or her job is in danger unless he or she learns to do a particular task better.
  • An employee has reached the point where he or she is eager to learn something new or move on to a more challenging job.
  • Practice active listening
    • Active listening encourages communication and puts other people at ease. An Active Listener pays attention to the speaker and practices the following good listening skills:
      • Maintain eye contact
      • Smile at appropriate moments
      • Be sensitive to body language
      • Listen first and evaluate later
      • Never interrupt except to ask for clarification
      • Indicate that you are listening by repeating what was said about critical points
  • Asking the right questions
    • Asking the right questions will help the Coach to understand the Coachee and get to the bottom of performance problems.
      • Two Forms of Questions:
        1. Open-ended. These questions invite participation and idea sharing. These help the coach to know the Coachee’s feelings, views and deeper thoughts on the problem, and in turn, help to formulate better advice.
        2. Closed-ended. These questions lead to “YES” or “NO” answers.
          • Sample of Closed-ended questions:
            • To focus the response: “Is the program / plan on schedule?”
            • To confirm what the other person has said: “So, your big problem is scheduling your time?”


Source: Department of Education


To help our fellow teachers, K-12 Daily Lesson Log (DLL) files are now available for FREE. You can download the files easily. No Adfly, safer, faster.

Just follow the links. May God bless us all!

Week 6 – 4th Quarter Daily Lesson Log
February 18 – 22, 2019 | Weekly DLL


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