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Embracing Blended Learning
Legal frameworks establish expectations and principles for school education while providing a flexible structure for governing authorities to implement necessary actions. Blended learning emerged as a significant change for most school communities. Legislation serves not only as a prerequisite for enabling change but also as positive support and protection for all stakeholders.
A clear legal framework proves beneficial by authorizing the use of distance and online learning as integral components of school education. It establishes expectations for all schools ensuring consistent core provision to teachers and learners. Moreover, it recognizes the evidence base for blended learning guidelines and allows for the adjustment of curricula and assessment methods to function effectively in both in-school and distance learning settings.
Guidelines for blended teaching and learning structures are outlined promoting flexibility and encouraging innovative practices. Additionally, provisions are made for teacher professional development and support, collaborative peer learning networks and adaptations to teacher competence frameworks.
The legal requirements also encompass support systems within communities, expectations for the home environment and agreements with cultural organizations and broadcast media. Furthermore, adaptations to quality assurance processes and coherence with existing frameworks at various education levels are identified.
Transparency regarding the roles and relationships of stakeholders including education department, training providers and school leadership is emphasized. While these entities hold power and authority, change is driven by teachers’ self-development and collaboration. Students’ active participation and creativity are equally crucial for the success of blended learning.
Legal frameworks play a vital role in facilitating the adoption of blended learning in school education. By providing structure, support and protection, they enable stakeholders to embrace innovative approaches while ensuring consistency and quality in education delivery.