Week 1 – Quarter 2 Daily Lesson Log | November 6 – 10, 2023 DLL Update!

deped dll q2 w1

In our ongoing commitment to support teachers in harmonizing their lesson plans with established educational standards, all while allowing them to apply their distinctive teaching methods, we are delighted to share our collection of DepEd educational resources including these Week 1 – Quarter 2 Daily Lesson Log | November 6 Read More …

Week 1 – 2nd Quarter Daily Lesson Log | August 12 – 16, 2019 DLL

week 1 dll 2nd quarter

Good day fellow Teachers. We’ve been together for three years now. We had a lot of struggles in our beloved profession but we made it to this new school year together – supporting and sharing our knowledge for the welfare of each other. We were always there for each other Read More …

Week 2 – 2nd Quarter – Daily Lesson Log (DLL) (Formatted)

week 2 daily lesson log

NEW FILES UPDATE: K-12 Daily Lesson Log guidelines for daily lesson preparation was hereby issued by DepEd to institutionalize instructional planning as a critical part of the teaching and learning process in public schools. These guidelines are meant to support teachers in effectively organizing and managing K to 12 classrooms to Read More …