To help teachers in inspiring students to experience fulfillment and trust in their work and successes, to foster appreciation of the school environment, and to make an effort to make it a rich setting for learning and working, we have uploaded our our GRADE 3 Bulletin Board Display – 4th Quarter | DepEd Club Compilation. Credit goes to all our contributors and file senders. To support them / us, please Share and Like our Facebook page. Thank you.
What are Bulletin Board Displays?
By showing students that what they do and what they learn are valued, bulletin board displays and classroom organization hope to:
- Inspire students to feel fulfillment and trust in their work and accomplishments.
- To challenge children’s knowledge and comprehension of the world, create a learning atmosphere that sparks curiosity and conversation.
- Promote appreciation of the school environment and make an effort to make it a rich atmosphere for learning and working.
- Encourage students to show themselves well, to be organized, and to be generally tidy.
- Celebrate success and boost everyone’s confidence
- Utilize displays and resources to reinforce existing knowledge, serve as a reminder of prior learning, and introduce fresh knowledge.
- Include all children in your displays of learning outcomes and achievements.
Expectations for Display in the Classroom & Common Areas
The requirements and perspectives of students in schools are directly impacted by the quality of the learning environment. Prior to the start of the new school year, the first stimulus displays ought to be set up. These consist of:
- Key issues and phrases pertaining to subjects or particular subject areas
- Questions to go along with the posters to pique the kids’ attention
- Tabletop exhibits of curriculum-related artifacts, books, and materials. Book corners set up and tastefully exhibited should be utilized to substitute the majority of adult-generated displays and resources because it is created by children.
Displays ought to include:
- The majority of the work on display in the classroom should be student work.
- Other display materials should be greatly outweighed by students’ work, even if they can be highly helpful in expanding and consolidating learning.
When teaching, make use of displays to draw connections between prior knowledge and new information. Display is not meant to be decorative; rather, it celebrates success, makes learning more accessible to a larger audience, reminds students of what they have learned and accomplished, and can even enhance learning.

GRADE 3 Bulletin Board Display – 4th Quarter | DepEd Club Compilation
- GRADE 3 Bulletin Board Display in ALL SUBJECTS – Quarter 4
- GRADE 3 Bulletin Board Display in ARALING PANLIPUNAN – Quarter 4
- GRADE 3 Bulletin Board Display in ENGLISH – Quarter 4
- GRADE 3 Bulletin Board Display in ESP – Quarter 4
- GRADE 3 Bulletin Board Display in FILIPINO – Quarter 4
- GRADE 3 Bulletin Board Display in MAPEH – Quarter 4
- GRADE 3 Bulletin Board Display in MATH – Quarter 4
- GRADE 3 Bulletin Board Display in MTB-MLE – Quarter 4
- GRADE 3 Bulletin Board Display in SCIENCE – Quarter 4