Educators can enhance the teaching-learning environment by using Lesson Exemplars (LE) to support student development. Lesson Exemplars such as these Quarter 1 Week 6 Lesson Exemplars (LE) Compilation SY 2024 – 2025 are carefully selected examples of authentic student work from previous classes that represent different levels of quality or competence. These exemplars help students understand what teachers expect in a task giving them a clear idea of the final product and the specific details required.
Using Lesson Exemplars allows students to become familiar with the structure and nature of various academic tasks such as reports, essays and case studies. They also help students learn the type of language and academic conventions needed for these tasks. When a variety of high-quality exemplars are provided, students can see different ways to approach a task helping them understand what counts as quality work. Many students have found Lesson Exemplars more useful than rubrics and lists of criteria for supporting their learning and improving their performance on assignments.
Moreover, working with Lesson Exemplars can boost students’ confidence and reduce their anxiety. By engaging closely with these examples, students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to complete specific tasks successfully.
However, some concerns exist about the potential negative impact of using Lesson Exemplars. Exposure to others’ work may discourage creativity and lead to superficial learning. To address these concerns, teachers can use a range of exemplars that demonstrate different approaches to a task and hold discussions about academic integrity. These discussions should focus on the reasons for using exemplars and the proper protocols for their use.
Teachers can introduce Lesson Exemplars after students have already begun working on their tasks. This timing encourages students to develop a sense of ownership and commitment to their work, allowing them to use exemplars as a point of comparison to identify areas for improvement.

Quarter 1 Week 6
Lesson Exemplars (LE) Compilation
SY 2024 – 2025
Kinder Lesson Exemplars (LE) Quarter 1 Week 6
Grade 1 Lesson Exemplars (LE) Quarter 1 Week 6
Grade 4 Lesson Exemplars (LE) Quarter 1 Week 6
Grade 7 Lesson Exemplars (LE) Quarter 1 Week 6
1st Quarter Daily Lesson Logs DLL
1st Quarter Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) / Worksheets
1st Quarter Lesson Exemplars (LE)
1st Quarter PowerPoint Presentations
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