The Department of Education (DepEd) continuously works to simplify the processes and reduce forms while ensuring that the data collected are not compromised and are integral to proper assessment, planning, and allocation of resources and intervention. In essence, reports enable teachers and the Department to identify areas of improvement and set the direction for evidence-based decisions to aid in the delivery of quality basic education.
As a result, the Department has reduced 36 common school forms to 10 official school forms, which already include forms for Senior High School, and has streamlined processes – minimizing duplication and redundancy of data, and diminishing time and effort spent by teachers on work preparations.
Since varying forms required by different agencies for diverse purposes continue to emerge, DepEd is relentless in conducting reviews that will further simplify the forms and processes, thereby enabling teachers to focus more on teaching.
Thus, the Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Guidelines on the Preparation and Checking of School Forms for the preparation, updating and evaluation of school forms in basic education starting end of School Year 2017-2018
The mechanisms and simplified procedures prescribed by these guidelines are anchored on the principles of accountability, accuracy and reliability of data, and efficiency. They shall reduce the time and effort of school personnel spent for clerical tasks information and records management without compromising the accuracy of the learners’ and quality of school forms.
If you’re changing the world, you’re working on important things, you’re excited to get up in the morning.” — Larry Page

List of DepEd School Forms
To be Prepared by Class Advisers
- School Form 1 (SF 1) – School Register
- Master list of class enrollment – A list of learners who are officially enrolled and attending classes
- Mode of preparation – (Learner Information System) LIS System
- Schedule – Beginning of School Year (BoSY) and as needed
- Master list of class enrollment – A list of learners who are officially enrolled and attending classes
- School Form 2 (SF 2) Daily Attendance Report of Learner
- A list of the learners’ daily attendance – Recording of attendance, absence, or tardiness (template with name of learners)
- Mode of preparation – Partially through LIS System and manual
- Schedule – Daily
- A list of the learners’ daily attendance – Recording of attendance, absence, or tardiness (template with name of learners)
- School Form 3 (SF 3) Books Issued and Returned
- List of books (by title) and other reading materials issued to the learners, and returned to the issuing authority
- Mode of preparation – Partially through LIS System and manual
- Schedule – BoSY and End of school year (EoSY)
- List of books (by title) and other reading materials issued to the learners, and returned to the issuing authority
- School Form 5 (SF 5) Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency
- A list of the learners’ academic performance and result of assessment by the end of the school year
- List of promoted/retained by class
- Mode of preparation – LIS System
- Schedule – EoSY
- School Form 5-K (SF5-K) Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency for Kinder
- A list of the learners’ result of assessment by the end of the school year for Kindergarten
- Mode of preparation – LIS System
- Schedule – EoSY
- A list of the learners’ result of assessment by the end of the school year for Kindergarten
- School Form (SF 8) – Learner Basic Health Profile
- To be Prepared by Class adviser / MAPEH Teachers
- Per learner assessment of Body Mass Index
- Mode of preparation – LIS System
- Schedule – BoSY and EoSY
- School Form (SF 9) – Learner Progress Report Card
- Individual academic, behavioral and attendance report by quarter (formerly Form 138)
- Mode of preparation – Manual
- Schedule – Quarterly
- Individual academic, behavioral and attendance report by quarter (formerly Form 138)
- School Form 10 (SF 10) Learner’s Permanent Academic Record (formerly Form 137)
- The official record of an individual learner’s academic achievement as he or she progresses through the basic education cycle
- Individual academic record by quarter and SY (simplified and standardized from former Form 137)
- Mode of preparation – Manual
- Schedule – EoSY
- SHS Forms (new) – SFs 1-7 customized to fit SHS requirement
- Mode of preparation – LIS System and manual
- Schedule – Semestral
To be Prepared by the School Head
- School Form 4 (SF 4) Monthly Learner’s Movement and Attendance
- A summary number of learners who transferred in/out and dropped out during the month and cumulative count from previous months
- Enrollment count, transferred in/out and dropout by grade level (Summary of SF 2)
- Mode of preparation – (Learner Information System) LIS System
- Schedule – Monthly
- School Form 6 (SF 6) Summarized Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency
- A summary number of learner status by the end of the semester and/or school year
- Number of promoted/retained by grade level (Summary of SF 5)
- Mode of preparation – LIS System
- Schedule – EoSY
- School Form 7 (SF 7) – Inventory of School Personnel
- List of school personnel with basic profile and teaching load/assignment
- Mode of preparation – Manual (originally designed in Human Resource Information System)
- Schedule – BoSY and as needed
- SHS Forms (new) – SFs 1-7 customized to fit SHS requirement
- Mode of preparation – LIS System and manual
- Schedule – Semestral
— Snippets from DepEd Order No. 11 , s. 2018 —
( Section II. Statement of the Policy )
The Department of Education (DepEd) hereby prescribes the standard process and protocols in the preparation, evaluation, and updating of school forms conducted at the end of every school year to provide a reliable assurance mechanism of learner information, ensure the quality and timeliness of school reports, and reduce the resources spent for clerical and records management. This Policy adheres to the Department’s vision, mission, and core values, and subscribes to the principles of accuracy and reliability of data, efficiency, and accountability.
( Section III. Scope of the Policy )
This Policy shall guide personnel involved in the preparation, checking, and updating of school forms through the LIS in DepEd offices across governance levels, public and private schools, and state and local universities and colleges (SUCs/LUCs) offering basic education.
This Policy also provides an assurance mechanism to ensure that data and information being managed and generated through the LIS are updated and validated at both the School and Division levels.
( Section IV – Definition of Terms )
For purposes of this Policy, the following terms are defined and understood as follows:
- Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) – The official website and portal of DepEd that maintains a database of education statistics, sector performance indicators and profile of public and private schools, learning centers and other education service providers
- Learner Information System (LIS) – A web-based system for registering, enrolling, tracking, and maintaining data on learners in formal and non-formal systems of basic education
- Learner Reference Number (LRN) – A unique twelve-digit identification number generated from the LIS and assigned to a learner to keep track of his/her progress through the basic education cycle, regardless of transfer to another school or learning center in the public or private sector and promotion/moving up from the elementary to the secondary level
- Transferred in – Learners from a different school enrolling into the school within the school year
- Transferred out – Learners from the school enrolling into a different school within the school year
- Moved in – Learners from another school enrolling into the school between school years
- Moved out – Learners from the school enrolling into a different school between school years
- Temporarily enrolled – Learners who are not officially enrolled due to deficiencies in submission of documentary requirements
- School Form 1 (SF1) School Register – A list of learners who are officially enrolled and attending classes
- School Form 2 (SF2) Daily Attendance Report of Learner – A list of the learners’ daily attendance
- School Form 3 (SF3) Books Issued and Returned – A list of books and other reading materials issued to the learners, and returned to the issuing authority
- School Form 4 (SF4) Monthly Learner’s Movement and Attendance – A summary number of learners who transferred in/out and dropped out during the month and cumulative count from previous months
- School Form 5 (SF5) Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency – A list of the learners’ academic performance and result of assessment by the end of the school year
- School Form 5K (SF5K) Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency for Kinder – A list of the learners’ result of assessment by the end of the school year for Kindergarten
- School Form 6 (SF6) Summarized Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency – A summary number of learner status by the end of the semester and/or school year
- School Form 10 (SF10) Learner’s Permanent Academic Record (formerly Form 137) – The official record of an individual learner’s academic achievement as he or she progresses through the basic education cycle
- Schools Division Office (SDO) – The governance unit accountable for supervising the operations of all public and private elementary, secondary and integrated schools, and learning centers at the division level
- Division Checking Committee (DCC) – The committee at the Schools Division Office responsible for the conduct of the annual checking of forms to ensure the consistency and quality of school forms
- School Checking Committee (SCC) – The committee at the school level responsible for the review and preparation of learners’ records in preparation for the annual checking of forms conducted by the DCC
- School Forms Checking Report (SFCR) – A report in a matrix format summarizing the results of the checking activity at the school, district, and division levels
- Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) – The form that shall reflect the individual commitments and performance, which shall be accomplished by individual employees
(Section V – A, No. 2 )
Initial Tasks of the Class Adviser
At the beginning of the school year:
The class adviser shall collect supporting documents to establish the identity of each learner assigned to his/her advisory class. Supporting documents or references may include but are not limited to:
- PSA Birth Certificate,
- Baptismal Certificate or any equivalent document.
- If the learner came from another school, the class adviser shall coordinate the transfer of the Learner’s Permanent Academic Record and validate its authenticity.
- The guidelines for the transfer of the learner’s academic records as provided in DO No. 54, s. 2016 shall be properly observed.
- The class adviser shall observe due diligence in encoding the learner’s basic information into the LIS to avoid issues in data accuracy and reliability.
- The learner’s academic records shall be the basis of the adviser for enrolling or validating the said learner in the LIS.
- After encoding all learner information in the LIS, the class adviser can generate SF1 using his/her system account.
- This shall become the official enrollment list of his/her class and shall be used as reference in any other reporting that requires the list of officially enrolled learners.
- The class adviser shall also download SF2 from the LIS with pre-loaded names of learners.
- This Learner Daily Attendance Report shall be forwarded to the school head for assessment and consolidation, and to serve as reference for the consolidated report on monthly movements of learners as required in SF4 or the Monthly Learner Movement and Attendance Report.
At the end of the school year:
Once the computation of final rating for each learning area is done the class adviser shall transfer these grades from his/her class record into SF10. Note that SF10:
- Should not be prepared quarterly to avoid erasures in the document by ensuring that only final grades are recorded.
- The validated SF10 will be the basis for updating each learner’s status as of end of school (promoted, conditionally promoted or retained) in the LIS year.
- Provisions stipulated in DepEd Order No. 58, s. 2017 Section IV, paragraphs D & E and DepEd Order No. 69, paragraph B s. 2016 Section IV, shall be strictly observed.
SF5 and SF6 or the Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency and the Summarized Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency, respectively, for each class can be generated from the LIS using the school level access accounts.
The SF5K shall be used for Kindergarten as validated by the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Checklist post-test result and the Kindergarten Progress Report. Class advisers in Kindergarten are not required to prepare SF10-ES . (formerly Form 137)
These four (4) SFs (SF1, SF4-February & March, SF5 and SF6) generated from the LIS shall be the focus of checking and should be supported by the appropriate documents.
For graduating/moving up levels (Kinder, Grades 6, 10, & 12), the class adviser shall also prepare awards and/or certificates in accordance with DO No. 36, s. 2016 or the most recent applicable guidelines. The learner information on these awards and certificates should be checked against the SF1 for consistency.
Upon completion of all requirements and relevant documents, class advisers and school heads shall perform the following:

Summary of Tasks and Reference Documents for – Class Advisers
References (Documents to be Checked)
- Compile supporting documents particularly on the learner’s eligibility for admission, such as:
- PSA Birth Certificate/other equivalent document
- SF9 (formerly Form 138)
- SF10 (formerly Form 137),
- or ECCD Checklist, Kindergarten Progress Report, and Certificate of Completion for Kinder
- PEPT/PVT/A&E Certificate (if applicable)
- Compile supporting documents particularly on the learner’s eligibility for admission, such as:
Output (Reports/Forms to be Validated)
- Ensure that the following School Forms ( SF ) generated from the (Learner Information System) LIS are correct:
- SF1 – School Register
- SF2 – Learner Daily Attendance Report (for the months of February and March only )
- SF5 – Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency (including SF5-K, SF5A-SHS and SF5B-SHS for Grade 12)
- Ensure that the following School Forms ( SF ) generated from the (Learner Information System) LIS are correct:
Summary of Tasks and Reference Documents for – School Heads
References (Documents to be Checked)
- Prepare Summary Report using the following references provided by the class advisers:
- SF1 – School Register
- SF2 – Learner Daily Attendance Report (for the months of February and March only)
- SF5 – Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency (including SF5-K, SF5A-SHS and SF5B-SHS for Grade 12, as appropriate)
- Prepare Summary Report using the following references provided by the class advisers:
Output (Reports/Forms to be Validated)
- Ensure that the following School Forms ( SF ) generated from the (Learner Information System) LIS are correct:
- SF4 – Monthly Learner Movement and Attendance Report (for the months of February and March only)
- SF6 – Summarized Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency
- Ensure that the following School Forms ( SF ) generated from the (Learner Information System) LIS are correct:
( Section V – B No.1. At the School Level )
The Focus of the Forms Review
- The accuracy of the learner profiles and enrollment eligibility using reliable references such as but not limited to the Birth Certificate, Learner’s Permanent Academic Record (SF10 or appropriate formerly Form 137), certifications.
Reminders on Electronic Forms
- Electronic forms pre-loaded with learner information and their general averages downloadable from the LIS are not subject for editing manually or outside the LIS.
- Any correction shall be done in the SF1 and eventually in the Learner’s Profile module in the LIS. Print layout, order or arrangement of the list of learner’s names should likewise not be edited.
- The format and content of system- generated SFs are considered final and official.
- Commercialized electronic school forms as mentioned in DO No. 58, s. 2017 Section VII (Special Provision), shall not be recognized nor accepted.
- To ensure that only SFs generated from the LIS are being presented during the checking of forms, the designated LIS or ICT Coordinator is required to sign or initial each SF.
- Awards and certificates for learners in graduating/moving up levels (Kinder, Grades 6, 10, & 12) should be checked against the SF1 for consistency.
( Section V – B, No.2.2 – Paramount Considerations in the Checking of School Forms )
Since only the LIS-generated school forms shall be presented,
“it is unnecessary to retype/reformat the name of learners.”
- The format and order of learners’ names in the LIS-generated school forms are considered final and official.
- The system shall also determine the margins, font name, font size and placement of the extension name if any.
- Modifications such as the insertion of additional column/s is/are not allowed.
- For printing, A4 (8.27″ x 11.69″) size white bond paper or Long/Folio (8.5″ x 13″) may be used depending on its availability in the school. Forms shall be printed using black ink.
- The DCC need not be particular on these “cosmetic” aspects, but should focus instead on the accuracy and consistency of learner information across all reports and against relevant reference documents.
- The DCC shall focus on the following:
- Check the availability of supporting documents for entry grade levels (Kinder, Grade 1, Grade 7, and Grade 11) and learners who transferred in or moved in for other grade levels.
Supporting Documents for Entry Grade Levels
– Kinder –
Birth Certificate (5 years old as of August 31)
– Grade 1 –
Kinder Completion Certificate and ECCD Checklist
– Grade 7 –
Elementary Completion Certificate or SF 10-ES
– Grade 11 –
JHS Moving Up Certificate or SF 10-JHS
– Transferred In or Moved In to other Grade Levels –
SF10 with attached Birth Certificate
– For Accelerated/DepEd Assessment Passers –
PEPT/PVT Rating or ALS A&E Equivalency Certificate
Additional Information
( Section V-B, No.2.2-ii: Table 5 – Focus Areas for CID )
Focus Areas for the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) in Checking the Consistency of Credentials in the School Forms
Checking the correctness of the following school forms and certificates for Grade 1 and exiting grade levels (Kinder, Grades 6, 10 & 12).
- Information in the SF1 is consistent with what is written in the Birth Certificate.
- Consistency in SFs
- Kinder
- The Omnibus Policy on Kindergarten (DO 47, s. 2016) or the most recent applicable policies should be strictly observed.
- LRN printed in the Completion Certificate and ECCD Checklist should be consistent with the LRN in the SF 1
- Grade 6
- The existing applicable policies on promotion, retention, awarding of honors, and acceleration should be strictly observed.
- LRN printed in the Completion Certificate, SF 5, and SF 10-ES should be consistent with the LRN in the SF 1.
- Grade 10
- The existing applicable policies on promotion, retention, awarding of honors, and acceleration should be strictly observed.
- LRN printed in the Moving-Up Certificate, SF 5, and SF 10-JHS should be consistent with the LRN in the SF1
- Grade 12
- The existing applicable policies on promotion, retention, awarding of honors, and acceleration should be strictly observed.
- LRN printed in the Completion Certificate/Diploma, SF 5A, SF 5B, and SF 10-SHS should be consistent with the LRN in the SF 1.
- Kinder
( Section V-B, No.2.2-iii: Table 6 – Focus Areas for SGOD )
Focus Areas for validation by the School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD)
Checking the information on enrollment count and learner movement.
- For SF 4
- For graduating (Grades 6 and 12) and moving up (Kinder and Grade 10) grade levels, the SF2 and SF4 for the month of February shall be used during the checking.
- Validate the cumulative number of school leavers (dropped out) and learners who transferred out by checking the SF1 and SF2 of each section or grade level.
- Validate the supporting documents for learners reported to have transferred out to a school abroad, an international school, an ALS program, or tagged as dropped out due to death.
- For SF 5 and SF 6
- For graduating (Grades 6 and 12) and moving up (Kinder and Grade 10) grade levels, the SF2 and SF4 for the month of February shall be used during the checking.
- The total number of learners per class as recorded in SF1 should be consistent with the total number of learners who actually reported to school as of March 31 as recorded in SF4. The breakdown of enrollment by grade level in SF4 must be tallied with the breakdown of promoted and retained, disaggregated by grade level in SF6.
- For graduating grade levels (Grades 6 and 12), the SF4 for the month of February shall be used for the purpose of checking.
Downloadable Files
- DepEd School Form 1 | DepEd SF 1 Register – (Download)
- DepEd School Form 2 | DepEd SF 2 Daily Attendance – (Download)
- DepEd School Form 3 | DepEd SF 3 Books Issued and Returned – (Download)
- DepEd School Form 4 | DepEd SF 4 Monthly Learner Movements and Attendance – (Download)
- DepEd School Form 5 | DepEd SF 5 Report on Promotion and Learning Progress & Achievement – (Download)
- DepEd School Form 6 | DepEd SF 6 Summarized Report on Promotion and Learning Progress & Achievement – (Download)
- DepEd School Form 7 | DepEd SF 7 School Personnel Assignment List and Basic Profile – (Download)
- DepEd School Form 8 | DepEd SF 8 Learner Basic Health and Nutrition Report – (Download)
- DepEd School Form 9 | DepEd SF 9 Student’s Evaluation Form – (Download)
- DepEd School Form 10 | DepEd SF 10 Learner’s Permanent Academic Record for Elementary School – (Download)
- DepEd School Form | DepEd SF Data Description – (Download)
- DepEd School Form 1-7 | DepEd SF (School Forms1-7) – (Download)
School Forms Data Descriptions
Download Here: E-Class Records
For further Reading:
DepEd Order No. 11 , s. 2018 —
I am really proud to be a member of this club. More power and please continue your kind initiatives. Thanks!
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