The Brigada Eskwela (BE) is a nationwide school maintenance program to get schools ready for the new school year. It involves everyone in the community—parents, former students, local groups, businesses, NGOs, private individuals, teachers and students—volunteering their time to clean, repair and maintain schools. This event lasts for six days.
A recent order, Presidential Proclamation No. 297, issued on July 21, 2023, has ended the State of Public Health Emergency in the Philippines due to COVID-19. As a result, all previous rules and guidelines that were only in place because of the health emergency are now cancelled. This includes the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions like wearing face masks and social distancing.
New guidelines for Brigada Eskwela for the school year 2023-2024 have been provided. All regions and school divisions are asked to give strong support to school leaders. This order from the Department of Education (DepEd) takes effect immediately upon its approval, publication on the DepEd website, and registration with the Office of the National Administrative Register at the University of the Philippines Law Center in Quezon City.
Everyone is instructed to follow and spread this order right away.
(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 21 s. 2023)
To prepare for the implementation of the Brigada Eskwela, schools shall be guided by the following:
- 1. Assessment of Physical Facilities and Maintenance Needs of the School
- Before the implementation of Brigada Eskwela, the School Facilities Coordinator shall identify the needs for the upcoming school year’s opening of classes and assess school facilities that require repair or replacement. The assistance of the Education Physical Facilities Division, School Watching Team (SWT), and Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) officers and members may be sought, if necessary.
- Schools shall identify other requirements/activities necessary for school operations and teaching and learning.
- 2. Compliance with the Absolute Prohibition on Solicitation
- School heads, teachers, and other school personnel are strictly prohibited from soliciting or collecting any form of contribution including but not limited to Brigada Eskwela fees from parents or legal guardians, volunteers, partners, and stakeholders. The Brigada Eskwela activities shall focus on voluntary work and participation to ensure that schools arc adequately prepared for the upcoming school year.
- 3. Creation of the Brigada Eskwela Working Committees
- School Heads/Principals shall lead the creation of the working committees for the Brigada Eskwela as well as supervise its functions. Together with the school head/principal, the working committees shall be composed of teachers and other non-teaching personnel. Further, parents, learners, community members, and external stakeholders may also be part of the task force provided that the nature of the involvement is voluntary.
- School personnel cannot require the participation of parents in exchange for extra points in grades of learners.
- The committee shall undertake the following:
- 3.1 Conduct Extensive Public Awareness Campaigns
- Promote public awareness and encourage involvement in Brigada Eskwela which may include the dissemination of advocacy materials and the conduct of awareness campaigns.
- 3.2 Establishment of Partnerships for Resource Mobilization
- Mobilize voluntary resources, including both materials, manpower, and volunteer services, for the conduct of Brigada Eskwela in adherence to RA 5546. The law strictly prohibits the sale of tickets or the collection of contributions, whether voluntary or otherwise, from school children, learners, and teachers of public and private schools, for any project or purpose DO No. 5, s. 1992 titled “Policy on Solicitation of Contribution”; DO No. 47, s. 2022 titled “Promotion of Professionalism in the Implementation and Delivery of Basic Education Programs and Services”; and DO No. 49, s. 2022 titled Amendment to DO No. 47, s. 2022).
- Determine target resources and identify potential volunteers and partners.
- Identify strategic activities in engaging stakeholders for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management.
- Ensure that the pledges/commitments of partners are delivered.
- Accept donations from partners before and during the Brigada Eskwela week.
- Craft a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and/or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) determining the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved – the school and its partners.
- 3.3 Program Implementation
- Direct and monitor the implementation of different activities as specified in the school work plan aligned with the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)
- Provide guidance and directions to work teams in the performance of assigned tasks.
- Monitor actual accomplishments vis-a-vis identified needs and planned activities.
- 3.4 Handling of Administrative and Financial Matters
- Provide administrative support and manage funds that will be generated in support of Brigada Eskwela.
- Ensure that all in-kind donations from and rendered services by both government and private sources are properly recorded and used in accordance with applicable rules and regulations and use appropriate forms in acknowledging receipt of donations (the Acknowledgement Receipt and Inventory Custodian Slip).
- Provide logistical support to volunteers such as but not limited to, work materials, first aid kits, refreshments, etc.
- Conduct daily inventory of all materials used.
- Prepare documents required for availment of tax incentives by such as, but not limited to:
- a. MOA;
- b. Deed of donation and/or deed of acceptance; and
- c. other required documents.
- 3.5 Documentation
- Prepare necessary documentation and reports of the Brigada Eskwela Program including photo/video documentation, preparation of daily reports on donations received and services rendered, and recording the daily attendance of volunteers.
- The following matrix indicates the possible steps/actions that potential external partners may undertake to ensure active engagement during the Brigada Eskwela week.
- 3.1 Conduct Extensive Public Awareness Campaigns
The actual implementation stage is during the Brigada Eskwela week on August 14 – 19, 2023. As a matter of policy, all work and tasks performed under the Brigada Eskwela are voluntary in nature.
- 1. Suggested Activities
- Based on needs assessment, schools shall select appropriate for implementation during the Brigada Eskwela week from the following suggested list:
- 2. Maintenance of Clean Schools
- Schools shall ensure that school grounds, classrooms and all its walls, and other school facilities are clean and free from unnecessary artwork, decorations, tarpaulin, and posters at all times. Oversized signages with commercial advertisements, words of sponsorships, and/or endorsements or announcements of any kind or nature shall be taken down in compliance with DO 37, s. 2010 titled Prohibition on Use and/or Display of School Signages Showing Commercial Advertisements, Sponsorships, and/or Endorsements. Classroom walls shall remain bare and devoid of posters, decorations or other posted materials. Classrooms should not be used to stockpile materials and should be clear of other unused items or items for disposal.
Post-implementation is the period after the conduct of the Brigada Eskwela week. The collected data shall be consolidated in preparation for the school’s accomplishment report. The following shall be undertaken:
- 1. Preparation and Submission of Accomplishment Report
- Schools shall prepare and submit an accomplishment report hence, the following shall be undertaken:
- 1.1 Accomplish the school’s Brigada Eskwela Report through the DepEd Partnerships Database System (DPDS).
- 1.2 Other projects and activities completed with the help of stakeholders and partners outside the Brigada Eskwela week shall be reported to the division and central office through the DepEd Partnership Database System (DPDS).
- The school heads/principals shall ensure that all donated items classified as property, plant, and equipment are properly recorded in the book of accounts as stipulated in DO No. 082, s. 2011 titled “Guidelines on the Proper Recording of all Donated Properties.” The documents required to support the recording in the book of accounts are as follows:
- i. Inventory Custodian Slip for donated properties with a value below P50.000.00; and
- ii. Property Acknowledgment Receipt for donated properties above P50.000.00
- Schools shall prepare and submit an accomplishment report hence, the following shall be undertaken:
- 2 Sustaining Brigada Eskwela
- School improvement does not end on the last day of the Brigada Eskwela week. It may be a year-round undertaking to guarantee the school children of a learning center that is clean, resilient, and conducive to learning. Sending letters of gratitude to partners and volunteers for their contributions in prepping the school in time for the opening of classes will surely inspire them to do more.
- The partnerships shall likewise be sustained. There might be uncompleted tasks in the Brigada Eskwela work plan or other school needs that may come up during the school year with which schools shall need the help of stakeholders.
- Other possible strategies for sustainability
- 2.1. Keep the stakeholders informed of the status and progress of the programs/projects.
- 2.2. Listen to the ideas and concerns of stakeholders through the conduct of forums, focus group discussions, etc. to strengthen partnerships.
- 2.3. Conduct training/ attend relevant seminars.
- 2.4. Keep the spirit of Bayanihan alive in every school activity.
- 2.5. Conduct recognition and appreciation programs for the working committees and stakeholders. SDOs and ROs shall conduct their own recognition and appreciation programs. Schools and SDOs may be awarded certificates of recognition by the RO for outstanding and/or exceptional performance in implementing Brigada Eskwela.
- 3. Service Credits/Compensatory Time-off
- Teaching personnel shall be entitled to earn vacation service credits arising from their active involvement as members of the school Brigada Eskwela committees and/or voluntary services in the Brigada Eskwela activities. Teachers shall earn one-day service credit for accumulated eight hours of service as committee members and/or volunteers in the school preparation and partnership engagement activities, but not to exceed the total of six days’ service credits. The computation of the service credits to teachers shall be in consonance with DO 53, s. 2003 titled Updated Guidelines on Grant of Vacation Service Credits to Teachers, particularly, Item No. 1-d sub-items d and k and Item No. 1-f
- Likewise, non-teaching personnel shall be granted Compensatory Time-Off (CTO) for all services rendered during weekends as members of the Eskwela working committees and/or voluntary services in the BE activities. Eight hours of accumulated services are equivalent to one-day CTO.
- 4. Recognition and Appreciation of Partners
- The usual search for Best Implementing School Awards, Hall of Fame Awards, and Brigada Plus at the national level shall no longer be part of the program, therefore, any issuance regarding the awards and recognition are rescinded. True to the spirit of volunteerism or Bayanihan, Brigada Eskwela shall veer away from any form of competition; but rather initiate, encourage, and strengthen cooperation and collaboration among education stakeholders.
- However, recognition and appreciation of partners and stakeholders that contributed to the success of the Brigada Eskwela may be decided on the school, district, and/or division levels only. At the SDO level, the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) shall serve as the Committee Chair with the SGOD Chief and Senior Education Program Specialist (SEPS) for Social Mobilization and Networking as co-chairs to further determine who among the stakeholders shall receive due recognition. The conferment of such may be given during culminating activity or Partners Recognition Program, as deemed applicable.
- Internal and External Stakeholders including community and industry who displayed outstanding contributions in the attainment of the Brigada Eskwela initiative may be considered recipients of recognition. The following are suggested qualifiers, subject to the recommendation and approval of the committee:
- i. Group/Institutional – may be given to partners (e.g. NGA/LGU, Private, NGO) who have supported the school/institution for (3) consecutive years.
- ii. Individual – may be given to the Chief Local Executive, Barangay leaders, School Head, Partnership Focal Person, and other individuals who have shown immense support for the realization of Brigada Eskwela goals.
- 4.1 Recognition and Appreciation of Partners at the SDO Level
- At the SDO level, the SDS shall serve as the Committee Chair with the SGOD Chief and Senior Education Program Specialist (SEPS) for Social Mobilization and Networking as co-chairs to further determine who among the stakeholders shall receive due recognition. The conferment of such may be given during culminating activity or Partners Recognition Program, as deemed applicable.
- 4.2 Recognition and Appreciation of Partners at the Regional Level
- Partners at the regional level may also be recognized in adherence to the above-mentioned attributes qualifiers. The Regional Director (RD) shall serve as the Committee Chair with ESSD Chief and Regional Partnership Focal Person as co-chairs. As to Individuals, Exemplary Division Partnership Focal Person may also be conferred.
- Expenses to be incurred for the culminating and conferment activity, including plaques, certificates, and the like, may be charged to Regional MOOE and Division MOOE/local funds for Division and program support fund from the Central Office (CO), subject to the usual government accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
- 1. Central Office
- The External Partnership Service (EPS) shall:
- 1.1 issue School Preparedness Guidelines which provides a checklist on school preparedness measures.
- 1.2 lead the conduct of the Brigada Eskwela National Kick-Off Program;
- 1.3 monitor the week-long implementation of BE through the RO;
- 1.4 verify and evaluate the submissions of Brigada Eskwela Reports in the DPDS;
- 1.5 provide updates to the media and the general public through the Public Affairs Service (PAS), DepEd Central Office on the status of implementation
- 1.6 coordinate and facilitate the distribution of donations received by the CO to identified regional, division, and schools; and
- The External Partnership Service (EPS) shall:
- 2. Regional Office
- The Education Support Services Division (ESSD) shall:
- 2.1 engage local stakeholders to support the implementation of Brigada Eskwela
- 2.2 monitor the actual implementation of Brigada Eskwela;
- 2.3 create the Regional Monitoring Team for approval of the Director,
- 2.4 verify and validate the Brigada Eskwela Reports of the SDOs in the DPDS;
- 2.5 conduct planning meetings with SDOs to determine school needs;
- 2.6 provide technical assistance to SDOs in formulating strategies to support school preparedness; and
- 2.7 validate, Monitor, and prepare a report on the implementation of preparedness strategies.
- The Education Support Services Division (ESSD) shall:
- 3. Division Office
- The Social Mobilization and Networking (SMN) shall:
- 3.1 mobilize assistance from education partners and other government agencies for schools’ implementation of preparedness measures
- 3.2 ensure support is equitably distributed to all schools;
- 3.3 conduct daily monitoring and evaluation of the school’s implementation in coordination with the Public Schools District Supervisors (PSDS). The unit shall create the division monitoring team for approval of the Schools Division Superintendent;
- 3.4 verify and validate the submission of partnership interventions of the schools through the PSDS;
- 3.5 recommend schools for the monitoring by the RO;
- 3.6 conduct orientation on the Brigada Eskwela implementing guidelines;
- 3.7 plan for stakeholders’ recognition and appreciation activities;
- 3.8 coordinate with local government agencies and uniformed personnel;
- 3.9 ensure availability of the summary of school-level data for local partners’ preferences; and
- 3.10 prepare a list of schools that would be needing the most assistance from partners
- The Social Mobilization and Networking (SMN) shall:
- 4. Public Schools
- The school heads/principals shall:
- 4.1 spearhead the implementation of school preparedness activities;
- 4.2 create the Brigada Eskwela Task Force;
- 4.3 identify relevant Brigada Eskwela activities aligned to SIP;
- 4.4 identify potential partners;
- 4.5 ensure the conduct of Brigada Eskmela activities as above-mentioned;
- 4.6 submit resources generated and volunteers to the PSDS;
- 4.7 provide updates to partners /stakeholders on the status of the spearheaded project by providing them a coffee table magazine style accomplishment for them to be recognized as well;
- 4.8 if, and when the school has attained a stale where all physical aspects have been improved and no further work needed to be done, the SH may initiate innovations that will improve the performance level of the teachers and learners.
- The school heads/principals shall:
- 5. Partners and Stakeholders
- Partners and stakeholders shall monitor, in coordination with the school, the status of the project implemented during the Brigada Eskwela week.
- 6. Volunteers
- Volunteers shall coordinate with the school and assist in the Brigada Eskwela activities.
- 7. Teachers
- Teachers shall:
- 7.1 assist the SH in the implementation of the activities prepared for the day and/or the week;
- 7.2 engage parents of the learners to participate in Brigada Eskwela;
- 7.3 monitor the assigned tasks performed by the volunteers; and
- 7.4 identify classroom needs to ensure readiness.
- Teachers shall:
- 8. Supreme Student Government (SSO)/Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) Officers
- The SSG/SPG Officers shall assist their homeroom teachers in the implementation of Brigada Eskwela activities.
For the official copy of this DepEd Order, just visit: