Diagnostic Test Compilation for SY 2018 – 2019 | DepEd Club

Diagnostic Test is a set of assessment tools and is designed to provide diagnostic information to guide teaching instruction in order to support intervention and enrichment. It assists educators in identifying student academic strengths and areas in need of improvement.

Diagnostic test provide information that will help guide instruction by providing support to students and teachers. Its reports are designed to provide a picture or snapshot of how students are performing in relation to K- 12 Curriculum standards.

The diagnostic test is an adaptive test. Teachers can then conduct ongoing formative and summative assessment to determine with students whether they are making progress or not.

When administered to students at the beginning of the school year, the diagnostic test can provide teachers with a snapshot of students’ stages of learning. This allows teachers to plan targeted instruction. Information from the diagnostic test can also be used to provide teachers with an assessment of total student learning at a given point in, or over, time.

diagnostic pre testPotential benefits of the diagnostic test for students.

  • Promotes teachers partnering with students to set learning goals
  • Provides descriptive and timely feedback to students while in the process of learning and creating
  • Builds efficacy bringing students into the process of their own learning
  • Encourages goal‐setting


Potential benefits of the diagnostic test for teachers.

  • The benefits for teachers in using diagnostic test include the following:
  • Understand the strengths and needs of each student
  • Gain insight into students’ strengths and needs during the school year, as well as focus their teaching for classes and grade level



Diagnostic Test (Pre-Test) Compilation


GRADE 1 Diagnostic Test


GRADE 2 Diagnostic Test


GRADE 3 Diagnostic Test


GRADE 4 Diagnostic Test


GRADE 5 Diagnostic Test


GRADE 6 Diagnostic Test


GRADE 7 – 12  Diagnostic Tests to be uploaded soon.


We are always thankful to our Contributors, Editors and Tech Volunteers. They are the foundation of DepEd Teachers Club. We are always grateful to them and we ask for your continued support.

All of these files can be downloaded for FREE via Google Drive.

Please keep on Sharing and Liking our contributions until all of our fellow teachers all around the country would benefit from these works too.   May more blessings come upon us all. Thank you.





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