Last December 8, 2016, the Department of Education released a Regional Memo regarding the Clearance for Teachers every end of school year which states that “considering that the teachers are only on vacation during summer, there is no necessity for clearance. However, this does not exempt the teachers from their obligations. They must complete and submit all reports and other requirements prior to vacation.”
Regional Memo No. 155, s. 2016 | Clearance for Teachers
To: Schools Division Superintendents
Public School Heads
- It has been a long practice in schools that teachers are being required to submit clearance at the end of every school year.
Pursuant to existing rules and regulations, a clearance from property and other accountabilities is required from officials and employees only in case of transfer, reassignment, resignation, retirement, and travel abroad. ( DepEd Order No. 17, s. 2005, DepEd Order No. 25, s. 2003, DECS Order No. 53, s. 1995; DECS Order No. 23, s. 1993; DECS Order No. 22, s. 1993; DECS Order No. 93, s. 1989, and DECS Order No. 12 s. 1986)
- In case of loss of books by pupils/students, DepEd Order No. 25, s. 2003 entitled “Resolving Losses of Textbooks” provides the guidelines for issuance of clearance by the School Property Custodian upon submission of all the required documents in the application for relief from accountability. In this connection, schools are reminded to adhere thereto.
- Accordingly, considering that the teachers are only on vacation during summer, there is no necessity for clearance. However, this does not exempt the teachers from their obligations. They must complete and submit all reports and other requirements prior to vacation. For this purpose, School Heads should issue a memorandum enumerating or stating all documents/reports to be submitted by teachers and other obligations to be complied regularly by them including the schedule and deadline of submission/compliance. The memorandum to be issued by the School Head should be furnished all teachers, for their information, with proof of individual receipt by them.
- In case of failure to comply, a reminder may be issued by the School Head citing this Memorandum and the school memorandum issued. Willful failure to comply may be acted upon administratively pursuant to the DepEd Rules of Procedure.
- For information and guidance.
Director IV
So that you could review the actual Regional Memo No. 155, s. 2016 | Clearance for Teachers, you can view and download it here:
RM No. 155 s. 2016 – TEACHERS’ CLEARANCE