Announcements for Learners Information System
- Friday, 3 March 2017
All Information Systems
- Access Issues. Please note that there is an ongoing system issue when accessing DepEd websites, including the DepEd homepage and all information systems (LIS, EBEIS, EHRIS, NSBI, LRMDS, etc.). Due to this issue, you might experience page errors when visiting all DepEd websites. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience; rest assured that we are resolving this issue and we are looking to have all DepEd websites in working condition.
- K-10: Encoding and Updating of Learner Records. To prepare the LIS facility for End-of-School Year (EOSY) updating, encoding and updating of learner records (including transfer requests processing) for all schools offering Kinder, Elementary, and Junior High (public, private, SUC, and LUC) in the LIS is closed. The system, however, might resume the facility for updating, encoding, and transfers by the third week of March. An announcement will be posted on all official channels (LIS Support Page, LIS Facebook groups) for updates.
- SHS: Encoding and Updating of Learner Records. Encoding and updating of learner records for all schools offering Senior High (public, private, SUC, and LUC) in the LIS is reopened until 15 March 2017 only.
Transfers. Please be reminded that processing transfers is a school-to-school transaction. While waiting for the LIS to re-open for encoding and updating of learner records, the following can be done:
- The originating school is obliged to send their former learner’s documents to the receiving school as soon as a request is made, regardless of how the request was communicated.
- If the receiving school is still waiting for the originating school to transfer their learner’s documents, the receiving school must make an attempt to communicate with the originating school to expedite the transfer.
- For transfer-outs, the Decline button is meant to signify that the learner is still enrolled in the originating school, and must NEVER be used by originating schools to communicate non-clearance of financial and academic liabilities on the part of the learner.
- If the originating school refuses to respond to or comply with the receiving school’s request, the recipient school may report the case to their Schools Division Superintendent, who may mediate and enforce compliance to DO 54 s. 2016 (Guidelines on the Request and Transfer of Learner’s School Records).
- The receiving school must include the following when making the report to the SDS: LRN, Name of Learner, Grade Level, Originating School (include the Region and Division), Date of Request, and Other Action Taken.
- Improvement of Facilities. In response to various requests from LIS users, users with Class Adviser access will soonbe able to confirm learner transfer requests, and erroneously confirmed or rejected transfer request may be re-processed by the user. We will post an update as soon as these and other updates are available.
- Posting of Learner Information. In compliance with prevailing laws and policies on data privacy and safeguarding, users must NOT post LIS screenshots or messages containing Learner Reference Numbers (LRN), names, documents, enrollment histories, and/or personally-identifiable information of learners in Facebook or any publicly available social network. Such information is HIGHLY CLASSIFIED, and must NEVER be posted under any circumstances on social media. If you must post follow-ups to other schools, however, and screenshots or information is essential, please redact (omit, erase, block, or blur) any learner information prior to posting. All posts not complying with this rule will be deleted on sight.
Previous Updates
- All Information Systems: Access Issues. Please note that there is an ongoing system issue in most DepEd websites, including the DepEd homepage and all information systems (LIS, EBEIS, etc.). Due to this issue, you might experience issues in visiting all DepEd websites. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience; rest assured that we are resolving this issue and we are looking to have all DepEd websites back and operational within the day.
- LIS: Encoding and Updating. Until further notice, the last day of encoding and updating of learner records for all grade levels (K-12) for all schools (public, private, SUC, LUC, and HEI) is until 28 February 2017 only.
- LIS: Transfers. To ALL school heads and system admins: You must confirm all transfer requests on or before encoding closes on 28 February 2017. Please check your Transfers tab to confirm any pending transfer-out and transfer-in requests. (Read the Transfer Facility guide on how to process and confirm transfers.) If the transfer request is not confirmed by End of School Year (EOSY), the LIS will tag the learner’s status as a Dropout in the originating school, and the learner will not be listed in the receiving school’s master list.
- SHS: Vouchers and QVR Tags. We have received reports from several private schools offering Senior High School that some of their students had lost their voucher tags in the LIS during 2nd Semester or have been assigned incorrect voucher tags. Please be advised that we, together with PEAC, are working on this issue, and we hope to get this resolved. We apologise for this inconvenience, and thank you for your support.
- EBEIS. Please be advised that the facility BEIS Data Entry for the Inventory of School Building under the Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) will be temporarily unavailable tonight –February 24, 2017 (Friday) 11:00 pm until tomorrow February 25, 2017 (Saturday) 6:00 am due to the adjustment of maintenance in the NSBI System.
- EBEIS: Please be advised that the facility BEIS Data Entry for the Inventory of School Building under the Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) will be temporarily unavailable today – February 20, 2017 (Monday) until 10:00 am due to the adjustment of facilities in the NSBI System.
- EBEIS: Please be advised that the facility BEIS Data Entry for the Inventory of School Building under the Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) will be temporarily unavailable tonight – February 14, 2017 (Tuesday) 10pm to 12 midnight due to the adjustment of facilities in the NSBI System.
- EBEIS: Please be advised that the facility BEIS Data Entry for the Inventory of School Building under the Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) will be temporarily unavailable tonight- February 13, 2017 (Monday) from 10:00 pm to February 14, 2017 (Tuesday) 4:00 am due to the addition of facilities in the NSBI System.
- EBEIS: Please be advised that the facility BEIS Data Entry for the Inventory of School Building under the Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) will be temporarily unavailable tonight- February 10, 2017 (Friday) from 10:00 pm to 12:00 midnight due to the addition of facilities in the NSBI System.
- ALS: Updating of End of CY 2016 Status. As of 31 October 2016, facilitators and instructional managers can now update their learners’ status, specifically the End of CY 2016 status of these learners. This facility is open until 31 December 2016.
- SHS: Opening of Enrollment of 2nd Semester, SY 2016-2017. The LIS is now open for encoding and enrolling SHS learners into the 2nd Semester of SY 2016-2017. Please refer to the guidelines enclosed in DO 70, s. 2016. To know how to use this enrollment facility, go to Procedures for SHS 2nd Semester Enrollment for Private Schools in the Manuals section of the Support page. Encoding is from 21 November 2016 – 22 December 2016.
- In line with the 30 days extension given by PEAC for processing of SHS QVR Billing, the LIS Helpdesk will resume handling requests to tag learners in LIS who are Qualified Voucher Recipients. In order to gather neccessary information, we have revised the Request Form 11 (Request Form in Reporting Tagging of QVR) that will cover and address the following issues:
- Request Form 11-A: Request Form in Reporting Tagging of QVR.
- This form will be used for learners who finished/completed JHS from Public Schools/LUC/SUC at the end of SY 2015-2016.
- Birth Certificate, Form 137, and JHS Certificate of Completion must be attached as supporting documents (scanned copy).
- Those who already submitted RF11 prior to the issuance of the revised form may re-submit using this revised version with the original email so that traces of submission will be checked.
- Please note that ALS completers and High School completers who completed secondary school prior to SY 2015-2016 should not use this form.
- Request Form 11-B: Request Form in Reporting Learner with QVR (Learner who finished/completed JHS from Public/LUC/SUC at the end of SY 2015-2016).
- This form will be used to report learners who were unable to register in LIS for reasons beyond the control of the school, such as system restrictions due to existing multiple enrollment, or the inavailability of the school in the list of authorized schools (specifically, Philippine Science High Schools).
- Supporting documents such as Birth Certificate, Form 137, and JHS Completion Certificate are required to be attached with this form.
- Learners who were not able to register or enroll in any particular track/program in LIS for reasons other than what was mentioned above may also submit RF11-B.
- An endorsement letter from the Office of the School Division Superintendent (the school may submit the letter to SDS subject for approval) must also be attached with this form, together with other required documents.
- Request Form 11-A: Request Form in Reporting Tagging of QVR.
- SHS Updating of End of Semester Status will be available in the system (tentatively) on or before the start of the 3rd week of November 2016.
- ALS LIS. Encoding of learners and updating of List of Facilitators will be until 30 November 2016. Tagging of End of Calendar Year Status for ALS learners will be available in the system within the 2nd week of November 2016.
- Senior High School Early Registration (DM 161 s. 2016). In line with DepEd Memo (DM) 161 s. 2016 regarding Senior High School Early Registration for SY 2017-2018, please be informed that the facility for early registration of prospective SHS students (ref: Enclosure 3-A for public schools; Enclosure 3-B for private schools) is being prepared pending further instructions. Please wait for our announcement on the opening of encoding of early registrants, as well as other details on this facility.
- Please be advised that an ALS Admin cannot be a facilitator at the same time, one role must be removed. For video tutorial on ALS CY 2016 Encoding, please click here.
- For merging of School IDs, completely fill out RF10 and send to
- For other requests like correction of SHS Masterlist and Track/Program Offering, reporting enrolment blocker and request to update/change Curricular Offering Classification (COC), please completely fill out Request Forms and send to
- An enrolment facility for Grade 12 will soon be deployed. In this regard, we request schools who are currently implementing Grade 12 this SY 2016 to send their 1. School ID, 2. Tracks, Strands and Specializations to
- Video Tutorials and other User Guides are available in Support tab.
- For Public/SUC/LUC Grade 10 Completers last SY 2015-2016 who were not tagged as QVRs, please fill out (Request Form) RF 11 and send to .
- The unenrol facility is now available for all schools. The request for un-enrolment is subject to DO approval. For matrix of approval, please click here.
- The following facilities are now available; Correction Facility for SHS, Shifting of Tracks for SHS and Creation of ADM Year 5 for K-10.
- The following facilities are now available; Enrolment of Transferred Out from SY2015 but no receiving school, Enrolment of transfers in SHS this current SY2016 and Encoding of QVR Cert No or ESC SID to verify eligibility for SHS voucher.
- Please be informed that the creation of Pre-Kindergarten classes for Private Schools has been removed. While Pre-Kinder classes that were created prior to this announcement have been retained.
- Please click here on how to fix “Your connection is not private” issue.
- BOSY 2016 is now open for K-10. Please refer to DO 52, s.2016 for additional details.
- Public and Private Senior High School enrolment now available in LIS. Please refer to DO 25, s. 2016 and DO 34, s. 2016 for additional details.
- The following facilities are now available for all grade levels in Public and Private Schools; Updating of Enrollment, Correction of Basic Profile and Grade Level, Updating Other Data and Creation and Correction of LRN. Please click here for additional details.
- All Private schools and SUCs are now allowed to unenroll learners with June 1-5 first date of attendance.
- EOSY 2015-2016 updating is now open. Please refer to DO 14, s. 2016 for additional details.
- We encourage LIS users who do not have an official DepEd email account to register through DepEd email service as this might be a requirement to validate the eligibility of the account user.
- Instructional video, manual, and infographics for SHS Registration for Public and Private Schools and for Non-LIS Registrants are available through the LIS Support page.
- All Private Secondary Schools and SUCs can now provide and view LRN of their learners through LIS. In case a Grade 10 learner is not included in the uploaded masterlist, the duly authorized encoder shall enroll the learner through the Enrol Learner link that is accessible from the SHS Registration page.
- All Private schools and SUCs are now allowed to enter June 1-5 as the learners’ first date of attendance.
- School ID listed in SHS Registration Module in LIS refers to Senior High School ID and not the Regular Secondary School ID. The first 2 digits of SHS ID should start with 34****.
- Submission/Encoding of Grade 10 learners preference/s through LIS for Public and Private Schools will be available from November 9 to 29, 2015. Refer to DO 48, s. 2015 for additional details.
- Please take note that encoding of learner using any date between June 1-5, 2015 as 1st date of attendance and request to unenrol for learner already enrolled in the system between June 1-5, 2015 are NO longer allowed.
- For reactivation of LRN, please submit request form 02 (RF02) to (in excel file) and indicate the reason for reactivation. Please state Reactivation of LRN as the subject of your email. You can do the enrollment of the learner from your end once the reactivation is done, with date of first attendance as June 8 onwards.
- Learners with Incomplete IP and Mother tongue will not be counted to the official enrollment of the school. Incomplete IP and Mother tongue can now be found in your Masterlist >> Toggle list for updating. Please review and complete learners’ profile.
- Facilities for Correction of 2014 EOSY Status, Enrollment of No 2014 records (due to enrollment outside Public Schools) and Tagging of Abot Alam learners are now available.
- Enrollment of Grade 1 with incomplete Kinder program in SY 2014 who undergone Kinder Catch up Program and assessed school readiness is now available. Please refer to DO 16, s. 2015, for additional guidelines.
- Mother tongue and tagging of IP are required for all grade levels.
- Learners with critical data issues can now be enrolled.
- There is no finalize button for LIS BoSY. All enrollment figures as of deadline/cut off will be considered final and official. Correction/approval made after the cut-off may not be counted for BoSY 2015.
- Refer to DO 26, s. 2015 for additional guidelines.
- Registration form for Abot- Alam and ALS is now available for downloading.