2nd Periodical Test Compilation | 2017

Periodical tests as classroom assessment is among a teacher’s most essential educational tools. When properly developed and interpreted, assessments can help teachers better understand what their students are learning. By providing the means to gather evidence about what students know and can do, classroom assessment can help teachers:

  • Identify students’ strengths and weaknesses
  • Monitor student learning and progress
  • Plan and conduct instruction

Ongoing informal and formal classroom assessment is the bond that holds teaching and learning together that allows educators to monitor teaching effectiveness and student learning. It can motivate and shape learning and instruction, can help teachers gauge student mastery of required skills, can help teachers determine whether students are prepared for tests that are used for high-stakes decisions and can help students improve their own performances

Classroom assessments do more than just measure learning. What we assess, how we assess, and how we communicate the results send a clear message to students about what is worth learning, how it should be learned, and how well we expect them to perform. Linking assessment and instruction is critical to effective learning.

Designing informative assessments requires strategic planning and a clear understanding of one’s assessment goals. What needs to be assessed and why? When planning instructional strategies, teachers need to keep learning goals in mind, consider assessment strategies and determine what would constitute evidence that students have reached the learning goals.

2nd periodical testsAll of this needs to be considered within the context of instruction, rather than as an isolated step in the instruction cycle. To get the most out of assessments, you need to know how to choose the right one for each situation, and how to make that test as effective as possible. A poorly chosen or poorly developed assessment will fail to provide useful evidence about student learning. It could even provide misleading information. Only with good, properly chosen assessments will teachers gather evidence of what their students have learned.

You can begin to create a process for developing and using classroom assessments by asking the following basic but essential questions:

  • What am I trying to find out about my students’ learning? What learning goals or outcomes do I want to measure?
  • What kind of evidence do I need to show that my students have achieved the goals that I’m trying to measure?
  • What kind of assessment will give me that evidence?

Make it accurate and appropriate. Most importantly, an assessment must provide the evidence it was meant to provide. The assessment must measure the knowledge, skills, and/or abilities the teacher believes are important. If the goal is to test for retention of facts, then a factual test (e.g., a multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank assessment) may be the best choice. Measuring students’ conceptual understanding or ability to perform tasks usually requires more complex forms of assessment, such as performance assessments. Good evidence improves instruction.


Available 2nd Periodical Tests

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Periodical Test



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